Jim Rizoli

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Jim Rizoli

Jim Rizoli


Being White is a strike against you.

What do they have coming our way?

Too bad the wrong countries won the war

Seems reasonable to me

Simply explained It has to be isolated

Jim and Phil on with The Fakeologist

NY is one crazy place for gun nonsense

Can't get any more plain than this

We have perverts and criminals running of govts.

It is happening

Things just get weirder this is show 74

No homicidal gas chambers no holocaust

Free energy and how it could be used

Diane King talks to the Truth and Justice for Germans Society about the absurdity of VE Day and about the H.R. 6090 Antisemitism Awareness Act and the ramifications if it becomes law. Monika speaks about political prisoners Leslie Bory and Brad Love.

More Old World Oddities

More Old world buildings

The `Good War’ Myth of World War II, and Why It’s Dangerous, Mark Weber
How accurate is this hallowed portrayal of America’s role in World War II? As we shall see, it does not hold up under close examination … The three Allied leaders accomplished what they accused the Axis leaders of Germany, Italy and Japan of conspiring to achieve: world domination … Presidential deception to justify war did not start with George W. Bush. Americans who express admiration for the US role in World War II, and for Franklin Roosevelt’s presidential leadership, have little moral right to complain when presidents follow his example and lead the country into war by breaking the law, subverting the Constitution, and lying to the people.

The Dark Side of the `Good War’, Michael Bess -- Los Angeles Times
World War II is widely considered one of the most morally unambiguous military conflicts in history — the quintessential “Good War,” as journalist Studs Terkel once described it ... At the same time, 60 years of research and reflection have gradually brought to light numerous aspects of this conflict that do not fit a straightforward pattern of black-and- white moral clarity... Hamburg, Dresden, Tokyo — entire cities, tens of thousands of noncombatant civilians at a time, incinerated or blasted to bits under a steady torrent of British and American bombs. The large-scale killing of children, women and old people had now become routine facets of Allied warfare.

Jim and (Late Joe Rizoli), Diane King (Dianna Ploss)
*** RADIO: https://speakfreeradio.com/category/podcasts/hoaxbusters/
*** VIDEO/AUDIO: speakfreeradio.com/hoaxbustersvideoopens in a new tab
Recommended Channels
BITCHUTE - Jim Rizoli - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kDHBE5vylTdI/
GOYIM TV - HOLOTRUTHER - https://www.goyimtv.tv/channel/2244538652/Holotruther/videos
BRIGHTEON - RizoliTV - https://www.brighteon.com/channels/jimrizoli
UGETUBE: https://ugetube.com/@nosixmillion
ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@RizoliTV:d
Recommended Videos/Links
**** moneytreepublishing.com/shop
**** THE HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE, Dr. E. Michael Jones
**** Joe's BitChute videos: https://www.BitChute.com/channel/aErQDXgmf3tO/
**** https://www.voy.com/241653/
**** Holocaust links
****** http://colchestercollection.com??/subjects??/holocaust??.html
****** Holocaust Deprogramming Course: https://ia801707.us.archive.org??/26??/items??/holo??-deprogramming??-course??/Holo??%20Deprogramming??%20Course??%20??.pdf
****** Holocaust Handbooks

Holocaust Facts: https://justpaste.it/7zupf
Zundel videos: https://archive.org/details/zundel-videos

Refusing oaths of office to the Constitution


This one was the last one I did. I had to abbreviate it for several reasons as you can see. This is all done using my phone.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise.
Some of John's articles:
*** Eyeless in Gaza (2005)
*** The corpse of American culture (2005)
*** The world can’t trust what America says (2003)
*** Jews don’t believe in freedom of speech (2006)
*** Ban the Talmud as hate speech
*** Judaism is madness (2006)
*** The setup to destroy America (2006)

Smith came late to Holocaust denial, after reading Robert Faurisson’s The Problem of the Gas Chambers at the age of 49. But once convinced, he became an extremely energetic promoter of the denial movement, a role that made him famous and well respected across the radical racist right.

Smith’s principal vehicle was the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) and, as the name implies, he postured as a defender of free and honest speech. But he was close to some of the nation’s leading anti-Semites, including Willis Carto, who died last year. For a time, Smith worked as media project director at Carto’s Institute for Historical Review (IHR), which for decades has been the premier Holocaust-denying institution in America.

Günter Deckert (9 January 1940 – 31 March 2022) was a German far-right political activist. He was the leader of the far-right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD).[1] He served five years in prison in Germany for various offences, including Holocaust denial and incitement to racial hatred. He translated the Leuchter report, an investigation he commissioned from an American Holocaust denier which attempted to cast doubt on the feasibility of mass extermination via the gas chambers in the Holocaust.[

Definitely the way it is